July 18, 2009

We want COCA!

A friend of a friend of mine started a petition to get CoCa here in the Philippines. It's not Cocaine and it's definitely not Cocoa either! >.> I'm talking about one of my favorite progressive rock band: Coheed and Cambria.

Help me and the rest of the Filipino fans get them to tour our country by responding to their post! http://www.facebook.com/coheedandcambria?v=wall&viewas=599735283#/coheedandcambria?v=feed&story_fbid=233568455509

If you don't now CoCa yet, here's some of their best songs to rock your day as well! (You might be surprised about Claudio on vocals, yeah uhh.. big guy, smal voice. He rocks it though! :D)

Blood Red Summer

The Suffering

A Favor House Atlantic

CoCa fan already? ;-)