October 17, 2008

Game! Oct issue is out!

Gaming info just doesn't come from forums, internet articles and merely playing the game per se. Read GAME! and you'll discover a whole lot o' games that might interest you!

Vanity aside, read my articles in that issue too! (LOL! XD)

- Top 5 Games that we want BACK!

- The latest PS3 and XBOX fighting game...!

- God of War 3 Preview! (It's actually featured in the Game! blog already, so you got a bonus to read it ahead, but the magazine still has a way appealing layout! ^_^)

Other articles include Perfect World Moon Valley Patch, HighStreet 5 Walkthrough, Crazy Kart, Final Fantasy XIII, and many more so grab your copy now! :)

Visit the Game! blog here.